Hear Now!'s eBook FAQ

(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is an "eBook"?
"eBook" is a shorthand way of saying electronic book. An electronic book is a publication that does not exist on paper but instead it is in an electronic format. [Back]

What are the advantages of eBooks over regular books?
The production and distribution costs of eBooks are less because paper is not involved. This, in turn, makes the cost to the consumer less. Typically, eBooks are distributed via the Internet by downloading them to the consumer's personal computer. [Back]

Are there any disadvantages of eBooks in comparison to regular books?
Some people do not like to read text on a computer screen for any length of time. Hear Now! addresses this complaint by allowing most of our eBooks to be printed to paper. Some restrictions apply to printing however. [Back]

How do I read an eBook?
An eBook is read either on specialized hardware like a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) such as a Palm Pilot or a Handspring Visor. There are also specialized readers such as the Rocket reader and others. eBooks can also be read on personal computers. [Back]

What is an online version?
An eBook in the online format is only viewable on your computer by using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. [Back]

What is a printable version?
The printable version of an eBook allows you to print out the eBook on regular 8.5" x 11" paper. [Back]

What is a printable book?
The printable book version of an eBook allows you to print out the eBook in a 5.5" x 8.5" format that is bindable like a regular book. [Back]

How do I print out the printable book?
One way is to download the pdf file and copy to a floppy disk. The floppy disk can be taken to a printing service such as Kinko's and printed out on their laser printers. The printable book is set up to be printed double sided in landscape mode. The pages are numbered such that the final copy should be cut in half and then bounded. The best binding to use for Pray...for the Peace of Jerusalem! is the spiral type. The front and back cover of this book is in color so you will want to print it out separately (because of the binding, the front and back cover are on one 8.5" x 11" in landscape mode. The front and back cover will be positioned on each half) on a color laser printer. The cover should be printed preferably on cardstock if the laser printer can handle it. Otherwise, the cover can be printed out in color on a regular laser printer and then copied onto cardstock with a color copier. [Back]

Do I need any special software on my personal computer to read eBooks from Hear Now!?
eBooks can be downloaded in various file formats. Hear Now! has chosen to use a file format know as Adobe PDF. Adobe is the name of the company that created the PDF. PDF stands for Portable Document Format. The Portable Document Format is the most universal of file formats. Many computers have the potential to read Adobe PDF files as long as they are equipped with software from Adobe known as the Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software is available free from adobe at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html. [Back]

What restrictions apply to printing eBooks from Hear Now!?
The eBooks that are for available on this website are copyrighted by Hear Now!. When a visitors download an eBooks from Hear Now! they are granted permission to print out as many copies as they desire however permision is not granted to change any of the content, contact information etc. [Back] 

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